Lumina Solar v. The Other Guys: Our Maryland Advantage

Solar Panel Installation

The solar energy industry is growing by leaps and bounds, which is good news for both the environment and consumers. When you’re choosing your solar provider (or many other providers) there’s always something to be said for going local. How often do you make purchasing decisions based on the location of the vendor or service provider?

Just think about where you buy food. Going local means getting better quality and supporting small businesses in your community. You’re also contributing to local people’s livelihoods. And of course, when you hire a tradesman you probably want someone local to your area – it could be someone that your neighbors recommend or that you’ve seen around town.

The same can be said when you go solar. Here’s why Lumina Solar is your best bet to going local over “the other guys.”

Lumina Solar Knows the Area

One of our biggest Maryland advantages is that our company was built here. We know the area – and by area we mean the general climate. Of course the installers for the larger, national solar companies are all local to the areas they work in, but their parent companies are based thousands of miles away. They’re also using one-size-fits-all approach to building plans. A home in sunny Arizona is going to be able to generate more energy in the winter than a home in Maryland. We know that. YOU know that. And of course, the national guys know that. But their computer systems don’t necessarily account for that as accurately as we do.

Lumina Solar Knows the People

When a solar installation is taking place one of the first things that happens is permits are pulled. And for anyone who has ever done a home renovation job you know that pulling permits can be a hassle. Paperwork has to be filled out just so, every single deadline needs to be met exactly, and there’s absolutely no room for error if the folks at the planning department aren’t in a great mood. But guess what – we’re local! We’re not only experts in Maryland solar installations, we’re also experts in Maryland people. We’re in and out of planning offices all day all over the state, building relationships and getting to know the folks we need to know to keep things running smoothly.

Lumina Solar Knows Your Neighbors

Finally, we know your neighbors… because we just might be your neighbors! When you’re searching for someone to tackle a home project it’s likely that you’ve asked your friends and neighbors for recommendations. Why wouldn’t you do the same when you’re researching solar companies? As a local company with local founders, we know the importance of providing great service worthy of a glowing review. We might run into our customers at the grocery store or out to dinner – we’re not about to let them down with a shoddy installation or poor customer service!

Are you ready to take your energy savings to the next level? Contact us today for a free quote!


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