We’re Thankful for Solar

Lumina is one of the fastest growing Solar companies in the industry.

We’ve accomplished this during one of the most tumultuous times in American History.

2020 has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. The onset of a pandemic, historically high unemployment rates, the economy seemingly evaporating in front of our eyes, and a high-stress election have really showcased the perseverance our nation can have.

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we as Americans reflect inward to evaluate what it is we’re thankful for this year. At Lumina we know this year has been harder than those in the past, but we still want to share what it is that we are thankful for.

Kirby headshot 2“The collective challenges we’ve all faced this year have been truly unique.  I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful for the support of my wife Sarah, the smiles of my two sons, and all the effort, grit, & attitude of my colleagues as we navigated these difficult times.”
– CEO, Mike Kirby


“I’m thankful for my family and friends and all of those I’m close with. I’m thankful for all of the hard-working employees at Lumina Solar. Lumina Solar is the sum of all of our employees”
– Vice President of Sales, Colin Gload

riley“I’m very thankful to be part of a team at Lumina that is energetically investing in protecting the environment, developing local talent and saving people money.”
– Inside Sales Manager, Riley Sullivan

erika“I am thankful for the health of my family and friends as well as the overall support from Lumina Solar and all my colleagues as we navigate this new normal”
– Operations Coordinator, Erika Murray

Lumina Solar is a wide collection of people from all walks of life, at the end of the day we’re all basically thankful for the same things, but as a company Lumina is most thankful for you.

Yes, you.

If you’re reading this then that means;

  1. Solar Power is on your radar, you are acutely aware of either the cost savings, investment potential, or environmental impact. Truth is regardless of your reasoning for looking at Home Solar, you will be protecting the environment no matter what.
  2. It is you, the potential customer, that is driving our economy forward and helping Lumina Solar in its quest to provide the newest technology, best products, and award winning customer service to everyone we meet.
  3. You may be one of the millions affected this year, either through work, personal health or family and friends. At Lumina Solar we care, and want to reassure you it will get better. We will endure, we will press on and stand firm. It will get better.

So this year, more so than the previous years, when you sit down at your table with those you care about, remember what you have been through. Remember what you and your family have endured, and be thankful that we live in a country that is capable of and will get through these rough times. One day we will look back on this year, and we will wear it like a badge of courage and perseverance.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and warm wishes to you and your family.

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