
How Do Green Energy Modifications Affect My Homeowners Insurance?

One of the biggest reasons that home and business owners choose to invest in solar panels is to save money on their electric bills. And that’s probably why you’re thinking of investing in going solar. But, you might have concerns about how this could affect your homeowner’s insurance. It’s important to note that if you’re […]

What Is The Typical Lifespan Of A Solar Panel System?

Anytime a home or business owner makes a large investment in their property, they want to be assured that it’s a good one. No one wants to spend their hard-earned money on something only to find out after it’s been paid off that it needs to be replaced or that it’s reached end of life. […]

How Are Solar Panel Systems Designed?

As you’re researching whether or not to invest in solar panels, you may find yourself wondering how the perfect system will be designed for your home. When it comes to solar panel arrays, one size definitely does not fit all. Even two homes with the exact same design and dimensions may require different array designs […]

How Do Solar Panels Save Me Money?

It’s no secret that one of the primary reasons people decide to invest in solar is because they want to save money on their energy bills. But can you really save money with solar panels? After all, there is a cost associated with installing the panels and then there’s maintenance to consider. The answer is […]

Will Solar Panels Damage My Roof?

As you’re researching solar panels and evaluating your options to help you make a decision, you’ll probably have questions about your roof. Roofs are, after all, a major investment in and of themselves. They must also be maintained in order to ensure that they’re doing their jobs properly – preventing leaks and keeping the elements […]

What Is the Life Expectancy of Solar Panels in Maryland?

Congratulations! The fact that you’re reading this means you’re taking the first step to deciding if solar panels are right for your home. In most cases, the answer will be a resounding yes! And we’re here to help you feel confident in that decision. Investing in green energy can seem a little daunting and you […]

5 Must-Know Facts About Solar Panels

You don’t have to be an expert to move forward with implementing solar energy, but it does help to know some things, especially if you’ve been on the fence about whether or not solar energy is the right choice for your household.

Will I Get A Rebate For My Solar Panels?

Let’s be real. Most people that are looking to go solar think about the financial benefits and incentives. These incentives consist of various federal and state rebates and credits. And although they are definitely enticing, they can also be a little confusing. Here are some common questions we get: Will I get a tax credit? […]

No Cost Solar Program? How Much Do Solar Panel Systems Cost?

Without a doubt, every single home improvement project is weighed with a variety of considerations – and one of the biggest is “how much will this cost?” That’s because – unfortunately – most of us aren’t so flush with cash that we can take on large projects without consulting our bank accounts. But, what about […]

Do I Need a Generator with My Solar Panels?

When it comes to having rooftop solar panels, it’s not uncommon for people to assume that they’ll have electricity to power their home during a blackout. And at first blush, this makes sense. Solar panels make electricity. You have solar panels. Ergo, you should have electricity. Unfortunately, that isn’t quite the way it works. But […]

News from Lumina

We’re excited to share that Lumina Solar is rebranding to Lumina! For years, we’ve provided exceptional solar energy solutions, with Fusion Roof and Fusion Solar Services enhancing our offerings behind the scenes. This rebrand will streamline our services and better reflect our comprehensive capabilities.

Why Lumina?
Bringing Fusion Roof and Fusion Solar Services under the Lumina umbrella is a natural progression. This change will simplify our brand and make it easier for customers like you to access all the services you need—from solar installation to roofing and maintenance—from a single trusted provider.

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