
Why Non-Profits and Religious Institutions Benefit From Going Solar

Why Non-Profits and Religious Institutions Benefit From Going Solar

As a company dedicated to helping communities build healthier futures, we feel a connection to institutions building something positive around them. Non-profit organizations and religious institutions do vital work within their local communities, providing assistance and guidance to vulnerable populations. Many of these organizations can struggle beneath the constraints of budget shortfalls, and managing cash flow can be an ongoing concern without having to worry about arbitrary price hikes from local utility companies. If you want to reimagine your energy expenses and contribute to a healthier environment for your community, it’s time to explore how non-profits and religious institutions benefit from going solar.

Use Your Funds Right

At the core of every non-profit and religious institution is the need to balance funding and donations to ensure you can meet the needs of your community or congregation. With aging facilities, programs that need management, and employees to pay, finding where to dedicate your cash flow can sometimes be a challenge. Energy is just another expense to add to that list. Utility companies have the freedom to raise your rates with little recourse.

If you face unexpected spikes in your energy costs, your organization may have to deal with a tighter budget than expected. Going solar is a great alternative that helps reduce energy costs and gives your organization more independence to manage funds. For residential systems, solar tends to provide an average of $34,000 in lifetime energy savings. For non-profit and religious institutions, who have access to more space and can onboard larger systems, you can expect to see even more savings over the lifespan of your solar array. Being able to cut costs on energy expenses frees up funds to reinvest in your operations, allowing your organization to be more effective in serving the community.

Create a Positive Impact on the Environment

Environmental health is fundamental to the well-being of communities. With climate change becoming a growing concern, local organizations are taking crucial steps to transition their energy systems to more sustainable options. Non-profits and religious institutions benefit from going solar in more ways than one. Not only do you save, but you also can show the public your commitment to creating a healthier, green energy future. This impact can help further the cause of your organization’s work and bring in younger volunteers or congregants concerned with climate change’s impact on their future.

Build Ties With Likeminded Organizations

Finding like-minded organizations is a key aspect of community building, and is greatly beneficial to non-profits and religious institutions alike. Going solar is a great starting point to build relationships founded on environmental stewardship. At Lumina Solar, our work has allowed us to build connections to a variety of organizations that believe sustainable energy should be at the forefront of conversations about community health and wellbeing. By going solar, you can make a big impact by stepping up as a leader within your local community. With more ways than ever to fund your solar project, it’s easy to bring clean energy to your locality.

Create a Better Future with Lumina Solar

Our company is driven by a desire to make solar more accessible to homeowners, business owners, and non-profit organizations ready to transition their energy systems. We bring a dedicated team with experience in every facet of the green energy journey. Our Solar Representatives make the process simple through honest communication and professional service, ensuring every question you have is taken care of. If you want to explore how non-profits and religious institutions benefit from going solar, reach out to our team today. 

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