
Maryland SRECs: How the Solar Incentive Works

Maryland SRECs: How the Solar Incentive Works It is no secret that making the switch to solar energy comes with an abundance of financial savings. With the lower energy bill and solar incentives, Maryland SRECs are another valuable opportunity to maximize your solar savings. SRECs or solar renewable energy credits are a way for companies […]

5 Advantages of Commercial Solar Installation in Montgomery County

Running a business requires a lot more than just providing the service or product that you are selling. It requires having all of the supporting factors such as accounting, internal software, a commercial building, and energy to power it all. When it comes to operating a commercial business, the energy demands can be immense, depending […]

Maryland SRECs: Pricing and Solar Alternative Compliance Payments

Converting your home or business to solar energy comes with a variety of benefits, from monthly energy savings to reducing your carbon footprint. But, did you know that you can also earn income from the extra electricity that your solar panel system produces? With Maryland SRECs, you can currently make $77 per extra megawatt hour […]

What Is the Life Expectancy of Solar Panels in Maryland?

Congratulations! The fact that you’re reading this means you’re taking the first step to deciding if solar panels are right for your home. In most cases, the answer will be a resounding yes! And we’re here to help you feel confident in that decision. Investing in green energy can seem a little daunting and you […]

Lumina Solar v. The Other Guys: Our Maryland Advantage

The solar energy industry is growing by leaps and bounds, which is good news for both the environment and consumers. When you’re choosing your solar provider (or many other providers) there’s always something to be said for going local. How often do you make purchasing decisions based on the location of the vendor or service […]

How Does Going Green Affect My Maryland Home’s Value?

Are you considering having a solar panel system installed on your home? One of the things you might be wondering is how it will affect your home value. After all, a solar panel installation is a big investment that can save you money on your energy bill (and help the environment too!).

5 Questions to Ask Your Maryland Solar Panel Experts

Doing your due diligence on any home improvement is important, and solar panel installations are absolutely no exception. However, a solar panel installation may be a bit different than other types of modifications or projects. Here’s what we mean:

The State of Maryland Is Making a Huge Push Toward Solar Energy

The benefits of going solar are undeniable. So undeniable, in fact, that state governments are getting on board. Last year, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) was given approval by the state Board of Public Works to install solar panels at 35 of their sites. This program is one of the first of its kind […]

Maryland Property Owners Have Big Savings!

You’re likely here because you’re a residential property owner in Maryland. If so, moving forward, you’ll want to take extra care when deciding how to power your home.

Understanding Maryland Solar Incentives

Going solar in Maryland is a no-brainer. The state is widely considered as one of the best for solar incentives in the country, with several diverse offerings that help you better afford solar and reap different benefits depending on your system and how effective it is. In this blog, we’ll explore the different solar incentives […]

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