3 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Solar Panels This Winter

As winter takes hold, homeowners may be curious about the performance of their home solar systems in colder temperatures. Fortunately, solar panels remain highly effective during winter, and with strategic adjustments, their efficiency can be optimized in the winter months. In this blog post, we’ll delve into essential tips for maximizing solar panel performance in […]

Why Your Neighbors are Making the Switch

The global momentum to shift away from fossil fuels is undeniable and growing stronger daily. Beyond the essential environmental advantages, an increasing number of people are embracing renewable energy for the substantial savings it offers on energy bills. In 2012, only 0.3% of homes had solar installations; fast forward to 2022, and that number has […]

The Environmental Benefits of Solar Panels in Frederick MD

Residential solar installation has become a popular choice for many homeowners looking to integrate clean, renewable energy. Roof-mounted solar systems are more affordable and accessible than ever, allowing homeowners to take control of their energy bills. Apart from saving energy costs, going solar also benefits the environment, and sometimes in unexpected ways. Let’s take a […]

Roof Mounted vs. Ground Mounted Solar Panels

Ground-mounted solar panels and roof-mounted solar panels are both great options for your solar system, however, each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before deciding on one over the other. Which location you decide to place your solar panels depends on a variety of factors that differs for everyone. […]

Is Fall the Right Time for Solar Panel Installation in Frederick MD?

There is never a “bad” time to make the switch to solar energy, however, deciding to get solar panel installation in Frederick MD during the fall season has its own set of positive attributes. There is a common misconception that the winter months will not produce an adequate amount of energy to power their home. […]

Free Solar Panels in Philadelphia? It’s Not As Crazy As You Think

Converting your home or business to solar energy might seem like an expensive option at first glance. For those looking to purchase their solar panels outright, the initial cost might be hard to difficult to afford, even though energy savings over time make up for the cost. Those who are not interested in this one-time […]

Can Solar Panels Protect Your Roof From Damage?

Roof-mounted solar panels are quickly growing as the top source for homes and businesses to harness their own clean and renewable energy. While solar panel arrays have many known benefits such as lower energy costs and reduced carbon footprints, there is another advantage that is rarely discussed: protection for your roof. By taking a look […]

Case Study: Helping Shawn Change HOA Rules to Go Solar

At Lumina Solar, it is always our goal to do what we can to help our customers make going solar a reality. Sometimes, there are unforeseen barriers to this transition. And sometimes, it takes a few extra steps to help a customer make the change to clean, green energy.  HOA Bylaws In some neighborhoods, Home […]

What Are My Financing Options for a Solar Panel Installation in Harrisburg PA?

skyline of Harrisburg indicating solar panel installation in Harrisburg PA

Going solar is a highly beneficial decision that will save you money on your monthly energy bill while reducing your carbon footprint. With traditional energy sources like coal, oil, and gas beginning to dissipate and solar technologies rapidly advancing, converting to clean and renewable solar energy is quickly becoming the more intelligent decision. Thankfully, solar […]

How to Prepare Your Home for Solar Panel Installation in Lancaster PA

Preparation is key when going green and switching over to renewable solar energy. Deciding what will work for both your financial and residential situation is a crucial step in going solar. There are a variety of factors that go into properly implementing a solar panel system in your home and they should all be carefully […]

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