Celebrating the Lumina Solar Team at Our Annual BBQ

To build an exceptional company, you need exceptional people in place. Since our inception, we’ve strived to ensure everyone we bring on is as passionate and driven as the rest of us. Whenever we have the opportunity to gather and celebrate as one group, we take it. Recently, we were fortunate enough to host a […]
Lumina Solar v. The Other Guys: Our Maryland Advantage

The solar energy industry is growing by leaps and bounds, which is good news for both the environment and consumers. When you’re choosing your solar provider (or many other providers) there’s always something to be said for going local. How often do you make purchasing decisions based on the location of the vendor or service […]
Lumina Goes Above & Beyond: 3 Ways We Make Going Solar Easier Than Ever

At this point, it probably goes without saying that not all solar energy companies are created equal. Some are just in the business to profit on the increased demand, and there are those (like us) who are genuinely passionate about all of the benefits that solar panels have to offer – and not just for […]
3 Tips for Selecting a Solar Energy Installer

Solar energy is continuing to grow in popularity, which shows that people are starting to truly grasp the importance of lessening their reliance on unsustainable resources.
10 Reasons Why Lumina Solar is The Right Solar Installer for You

Choosing a solar energy provider can be tricky. At first glance, it might seem like you can just go out and purchase the equipment on your own and be done, but that’s not the case. Here is some of our work:
Is Solar A Good Investment?

One of the most often asked questions by customers when they think about making a purchase is the same: How much is this going to cost?
Home Energy Hacks to Fight Higher Electric Bills

It is now November, the sun drops a little earlier, the cold is starting to creep in. Daylight savings time has turned our clocks back and the holidays are quickly approaching, we all know the truth…
We’re Dreaming of a Solar Holiday

As this year comes to a close we can truly look back at 2020 as a year of turmoil and perseverance.
2020 – The Year of Resolve

By now we’re all a little tired of hearing the words, pandemic, quarantine, and coronavirus…
2021 Will Redefine Renewables in the US

While Election news and the COVID-19 Pandemic have wreaked havoc on the US economy, 2021 is beginning with a surge on renewable energy. The promise of a Green New Deal, the hope of rejoining the Paris Agreement, and an overall worldwide commitment to carbon neutrality are giving all renewable energies a jumps-start to a new […]